Its soil study of Petite and Grande Champagne involves some twenty winegrowing partners in addition to the Rémy Martin Estates. Samples were taken from around 100 plots at the end of 2021 and then again in spring 2022, the aim being to get a clearer understanding of how the soils work, identify what can be done better and see which practices have a positive impact.
A similar process was undertaken with the Domaine des Hautes Glaces and its partners in late 2021.
The Group intends to continue with this soil-health mapping exercise, starting with its vines and grain crops, to assess the impact of its new agricultural practices over time, particularly on biodiversity and carbon sequestration.
Genesis is the first worldwide agency to rate the environmental health of soils. Founded in 2019, it has worked with both public (CNRS-ENS) and private (Mérieux, Trace Genomics) laboratories to develop a system for evaluating carbon, biodiversity and pollution levels in soil. The resulting rating, correlated with farming practices, is designed to improve soil health, yield and resilience.
Rémy Cointreau has joined the "4 PER 1000" initiative, which aims to demonstrate that, in acting as a carbon sink, soil can help combat global warming.
Each year, an additional 4.3 billion tons of carbon are pumped into the atmosphere
+4.3 bn tons carbon/yr
Worldwide, soil sequesters 1,500 billion tons of carbon as organic matter
Absorption of CO2 by vegetation
A 4‰ (0.4%) annual
increase in the amount
of carbon stored in soil
would offset the annual
increase of CO2
in the atmosphere
- a major factor in the
greenhouse effect
and climate change
More vegetation
greater absorption of CO2