Building a balanced future by combating climate change


Identifying alternatives to fossil fuels

Rémy Cointreau has identified alternative solutions to conventional natural gas in most of its regions, ranging from biogas (as inFrance) to liquefied natural gas (as in theCaribbean, in Barbados). In the combustion phase (scope 1), biogas produces 100 times less emissions than conventional natural gas.

Wherever it operates, the Group and its brands are innovating to reduce its environmental impact. The Scottish distillery Bruichladdich, for example, is carrying out a feasibility study named HyLaddie that investigates the integration of innovative hydrogen combustion technology at the production site. This study will be finalised in 2021 and could enable the implementation of practical solutions that will make a strong contribution to the net zero targets for 2050.

In Cognac, in order to measure the sources of carbon emissions even more thoroughly, Rémy Martin will carry out a partial (but representative) carbon assessment of its wine growers’ cooperative (Alliance Fine Champagne AFC) in 2021, analysing three "average" representative structures: a professional distiller, a grower-distiller, and a wine deliverer.

In addition, five other professional distillers working with the House have come together to share their data and build a roadmap including targets such as carbon footprint reduction, waste management, biodiversity and quality development, and the safety and working comfort of employees. Their approach is consistent with ISO 14001 certification, which is based on the principle of continuous improvement of environmental performance by controlling the impact of the company’s activities.

It was also in Cognac, at Rémy Martin, that the Green Analytical Project a sustainable analytical chemistry think tank audited the laboratory’s activity. The audit looked at the everyday routine of the laboratory, general practices, waste management, energy savings, analytical methods, and operator safety to provide an in-depth assessment and indicate areas for improvement.

Rémy Cointreau, Climate Leadership status

For the first time, the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) has awarded the Rémy Cointreau Group "Climate Leadership" status, with a score of A- for 2020. This score recognises the most transparent companies in the world in terms of environmental reporting. The Group is pleased to have improved by two levels in one year. Worldwide, only 8% (or 776) of the 9,526 companies analysed this year achieved this recognition.On average, the Group’s sector (Food & Beverage Europe) traditionally gets a C rating (Awareness).