1. Strategic presentation of the group


Simon Coughlin
(CEO Whisky Division)

Élisabeth Tona
(CEO Liqueurs & Spirits)

Philippe Farnier
(CEO House of Rémy Martinand CSR)

Marc-Henri Bernard 
(Human Resources Director)

Éric Vallat
(Group CEO)

Luca Marotta
(Chief Financial Officer)

Ian McLernon

Nicolas Beckers
(CEO, Greater China)

Laurent Venot

Patrick Marchand
(Operations Director)

Appointed Group Chief Executive Officer on 1 December 2019, Éric Vallat set up a team of nine directors of four different nationalities from a range of backgrounds: spirits, cosmetics, fashion and accessories, and tableware. The role of this Executive Committee is to implement the Group’s strategy for 2030, which aims to continue the Group’s transformation, to build a more sustainable, profitable and responsible business model, based on four strategic levers: enhancing the value per case, moving towards a client-centric business model, accelerate the development of the flagship brands of Liqueurs & Spirits, and implement the "2025 Sustainable Exception" plan for more responsible growth.

Composition of remuneration of senior management (excluding LTIP)
Fixed compensation 57.7% Variable compensation 42.2% of which CSR bonus 4%
  • 50% based on quantitative criteria (current operating profit/(loss), cash flow generation, profit (loss) for the period excluding non-recurring items, ROCE)
  • 50% based on qualitative criteria (including one CSR target)