Acting as a responsible stakeholder in light of an unprecedented pandemic


In response to the unprecedented health crisis triggered by the Covid-19 epidemic, Rémy Cointreau adopted a responsible and mindful attitude toward all its stakeholders. The Group rolled out many initiatives while protecting its profitable and responsible development model.

Well-protected employees

The Group’s top priority was to protect the health and safety of its employees:

  • implementation of strict health protocols at the various sites, in accordance with the recommendations of the local health authorities;
  • rapid deployment of best practices across the Group: adaptation of working and interaction methods, remote working, health kits, maintaining links between employees and with management through routine e-conferences;
  • maintaining full remuneration for all Group employees, including during the periods when industrial sites were closed;
  • no use of state aid (partial unemployment).

Partners and communities supported throughout the crisis

Rémy Cointreau implemented measures to support populations affected by the situation, and in particular the hospitality sector, an industry hard hit by the Covid-19 crisis:

  • all our sites from the United States to Greece, including Barbados, Scotland and France joined forces without delay to donate neutral alcohol to local health organisations to enable them to produce hand sanitizer;
  • China donated ¥1 million to purchase protective medical equipment;
  • in the United States, the Cointreau brand donated $200,000 to the US Bartenders’ Guild National Charity Foundation, and then launched a Super Bowl advertisement campaign. As such, Cointreau called on the audience to send Love Letters to their favourite restaurants and bars on social media;
  • the American single malt Westland organised fundraising campaigns for the local restaurant and bar industry. The teams took part in a monthly sports challenge: the employee with the most kilometres recorded on foot or by bike at the end of each month selects a charity which then receives a donation from Westland;
  • in Barbados, the collection of non-perishable food and health products was organised in the summer of 2020. In total, more than 1,000 food and health products were collected and delivered to the parish of Saint-Lucy in August 2020.

These local support initiatives have revealed the commitment of employees to their communities and a mindset deeply embedded in the Group's values.