3. Corporate Social Responsibility

Promoting responsible consumption

The premium positioning of the Group’s products requires a strong commitment to protecting its employees and consumers alike, for both ethical and health reasons. Responsible consumption is thus the number one commitment of the Responsible Communication Charter signed by RémyCointreau. It applies to all employees, regardless of their position or occupation.

By consuming in a moderate and appreciative manner, we pay tribute to the work of the men and women who develop exceptional products with passion and discipline. Driven by this conviction, Rémy Cointreau promotes responsible consumption through various actions:

  • - in Europe and Asia, gradually implementing voluntary decisions to include symbols on its packaging with advice for pregnant women;
  • - a willingness, in Europe, to include the URL on packaging. This is the EU portal for consumers of 28 European countries, which provides comprehensive information on the risks of alcohol abuse;
  • - nutrition labelling on the Group’s products;
  • - developing a responsible consumption page on the Rémy Cointreau Intranet;
  • - signing the DFWC (Duty Free World Council) code of conduct, which focuses primarily on responsible marketing communication and the responsible management of points of sale.

Among its employees, for more than two years, videos and explanatory panels have been installed in the Group’s premises to inform and sensitise employees. In Paris, 40 ambassadors of all the brands have been trained in responsible consumption.

On the island of Barbados, Mount Gay has continued its partnership with the Substance Abuse Foundation (SAF), which combats all forms of addiction, including excessive alcohol consumption, by focusing on the education of young people. Mount Gay continues its active participation in the Barbados Alcohol Industry Association (BAIA), particularly through the development of promotional and educational campaigns on responsible drinking, including the implementation of advertising self-regulation. A partnership has also been launched with Adopt-A-KM, a community programme that beautifies and maintains the roads on the island of Barbados. As part of this programme, billboards on responsible consumption were installed for a 12-month period along two of the island’s busiest motorways, thus ensuring maximum visibility of this prevention campaign.

Also in Barbados, last year Mount Gay decided to put new labels on rum bottles with specific statements to warn consumers against drinking and driving, under-age drinking, and drinking during pregnancy. This decision was implemented this year.

«All our employees are responsible ambassadors. They are ambassadors because they work alongside our clients, alongside our distributors, and alongside agencies that we work with occasionally; we must show absolutely impeccable behaviour at all times and drive them to adopt the same attitude. This is essential, because alcohol is a very sensitive product and its consumption must be reasonable. Moreover, we take a long-term approach, and alcohol has been around for centuries; our wish is that it continues to be consumed responsibly and reasonably for centuries to come, for the pleasure of our customers and the longevity of our Houses.»

Hervé Dumesny, 
Group CSR and Public & Regulatory Affairs Director