4. Corporate Social Responsibility


Of the 10 Sustainable Development the Group shares its commitments with its partners and ensures their implementation. In this way, the Group forges a collective destiny alongside its partners and shows its determination to act for change. Goals (SDGs), Rémy Cointreau attaches special importance to the establishment of effective and accountable institutions up to the highest level of governance. In order to maintain the highest standards and a capacity for effective control  

For responsible governance in keeping with CSR criteria  

As part of the governance actions implemented by Rémy Cointreau's CSR Committee, a portion of the variable compensation of senior executives on the Executive Committee is indexed to CSR objectives, in line with the main SDGs adopted :

  • Water management (SDG 6): Group Chief Operating Officer
  • Well-being of employees (SDG 8): Director of Human resources
  • Circular economy and eco-design  (SDG 12): Chief Executive Officer of the liqueurs and spirits division
  • Action to combat climate change, reducing carbon emissions, and the transport of products (SDG 13): Chief Executive Officers Asia / Pacific, Americas and EMEA 
  • Sustainable agriculture (SDG 15) : Chief Executive Officers of the House of Rémy Martin and Chief Executive Officer of the Whisky Business Unit

The other Exco members are also involved in pursuing these targets, as a variable portion of their compensation is determined by the average achievement of these goals. Each Comex member is an ambassador of the Group’s CSR commitments and their advancement through the work of all Rémy Cointreau employees. In addition to governance actions, the CSR Committee (whose members are taken from the Board of Directors) aims primarily to oversee the implementation of the Group’s CSR policy. it is responsible for ensuring compliance with the UN Global Compact and the CSR charter, assessing the actions implemented as part of the CSR Plan, and monitoring the dashboard of indicators. It also checks the result of CSR reporting verification audits, changes in non-financial ratings, and the outlook in terms of actions (2025 CSR plan). Lastly, Rémy Cointreau’s governance must ensure the integration of the Group’s CSR approach at all levels of management, from the Board of Directors to the structures overseeing teams of co-workers.