In Corsica, Cointreau supports the work of the San-Giuliano research platform, which houses a one-of-a-kind collection of 800 citrus fruit varieties. Eager to contribute to this biodiversity, the orange brand participated in the replanting of 1,200 species of citrus fruit in order to study their properties and improve their production.
Since 2018, in Barbados, Mount Gay has been participating in the " We Planting" national tree replanting project setup by the local government. The goal: planting more than one million trees by the end of 2020 to enhance sustainability and diversity in an effort to combat the effects of climate change. Across the estates, the distillery has planted orchards of bananas, mangoes, carambola and avocado, a long with various forgotten varieties.
Protecting and valuing the character
and beauty of the terroirs
In Samos, on the heights of Mount Karvounis , the famous Greek brand Metaxa has marked out a 10 km hiking trail in partnership with "Paths of Greece". This themed path around the village of Vourliotes Is dedicated to Muscat , one of the wines used in the production of spirits. Dotted with information boards elaborating on the island's archaeology, history and mythology, the trail allows nature lovers to discover the Muscat vineyards and the island's terroir in a different light. This initiative developed by Metaxa strengthens its ties with the inhabitants of the village of Vourliotes and enhances the beauty of the region – the source of its raw materials.
Nothing can dampen the enthusiasm of the men and women of Westland distillery, not even the abundant rainfall of this humid region . Westland Pays special attention to Quercus garryana, a rare variety of oak found in this terroir only. Essential to the singularity and distinctive character of Westland's products, this oak is the only one used to age its whiskies. To help maintain it in the ecosystem, Westland was involved in there planting of 750 trees in the region, with the ambition of reintroducing 2,000 more within 5 years. In addition, the brand makes casks using only trees that have fallen naturally to the ground as a result of storms or due to age.