Company ownership

1. Strategic presentation of the group

Company ownership

At 31 March 2020 (% equity interest)

(% en capital)

Hériard Dubreuil Family And romède (1)

Andromeda holds 100% of the capital of Orpar.

Andromeda holds 1.19% of the share capital of Rémy Cointreau(2)

Orpar holds 69.85% of Recopar's share capital.

Orpar holds 38.97% of the capital of Rémy Cointreau

The Cointreau Family holds 30.15% of the capital of Recopart

Recopart holds 14.91% of the share capital of Rémy Cointreau

The Public owns 42.07% of the capital of Rémy Cointreau

The Fine Champagne alliance (via FCI) holds 2.26% of the capital of Rémy Cointreau

Rémy Cointreau (treasury stock) holds 0.60% of the share capital.

(1) Rémy Cointreau is consolidated in the Andromeda Group.
(2) Only the actions Rémy Cointreau are admitted to trading on a regulated market.