4. Corporate Social Responsibility

The people of Rémy Cointreau are surely our best ambassadors when it comes to talking about our CSR commitments...

Sustainability means building a stronger legacy for the next generations every day.
Thinking about reducing our waste, creating more value while using less resources, and investing in the future.
Florian Hériard Dubreuil

Living and working in a responsible way means respecting the environment and reducing your impact. I use public transport to commute, and I recycle in our shared office kitchen on a daily basis.
Robert Carmichael

Even if we are a part of the problem,
we can be a part of the solution.
Scott Sell

Acting sustainably means always being on top, going
for excellence at every stage, whether in the quality
of our products or in interactions with customers.
Erkki van Collie

Sustainability is inherited from the past, to be implemented today, for the benefit of the future. The heritage project in China, for example, is a living example of the implementation of sustainability.
Sophia Shi

Sustainability is acting now for a better tomorrow and being aware, at every level of the company,that small things can make a big impact. This also means combining business targets with a sustainable approach.
Xavier Tallot 

Sustainability has been the essence of Rémy Cointreau for over 300 years. It means being bold about the future and working with passionate people and subjects. I wanted to study CSR in more detail. I then had the opportunity to complete my Cambridge University diploma
on Sustainability Leadership.
 Ana Almeida

Being sustainable means taking care of the environment and of people. This also involves having a good management that respects the Group’s rules and prioritises more eco-friendly transport.
Christophe Charpentier

Sustainability means constantly reviewing and adapting our lifestyle, habits and practices to ensure our children and grandchildren will still be able to do the same in a hundred years. CSR changes the way we manage daily projects and talk to our clients. It must be part of our everyday actions and decisions.
Thibault Robert

Sustainability is preserving something for use by future generations. Every day, I try to make each journey as efficient as possible and ask myself if modern communication methods could be used instead.
Brian Copeland

For me, sustainability means that we are able to produce goods without harming our environment. As a result, I print documents only if absolutely necessary, and I travel mainly by train.
Carole Quinton

Acting sustainably means caring for the future and the wellbeing of our future generations. Coming from the Nordics, we have the nature close to us and I value it a lot. I hope to do more for the Group and for my area.
Michael Nystrom