The house of Rémy Martin


The House of Rémy Martin confirmed its buoyant momentum in 2018/2019: organic sales growth of 11.9% endorses our value strategy and our high-end positioning.

Fuelled by a client-focused culture and organisation, our growth is based on solid fundamentals and allows us to look ahead with serenity. The opening and first successful operation of our new winemaking and distillation facility in Juillac for the 2018 harvest is an example thereof. Juillac is the first cornerstone of the ambitious investment programme that will cover all Cognac sites by 2024. Key to our strategic vision, our environmental commitment to responsible and sustainable viticulture that respects our terroirs is intensifying. The High Environmental Value (HVE) certification chosen by the House and its Alliance Fine Champagne (AFC) Cooperative in 2012 is now recognised by the entire Cognac division.

The House of Rémy Martin confirmed its buoyant momentum in 2018/2019.

As such, 94% of vineyard areas supplying the House have committed to the approach (level 1) and 42% have HVE certification (level 3). The momentum has increased since 88 new winegrowers have been rewarded during the second ceremony of the “Centaurs of the Environment”. Lastly, in the Poitou-Charentes region, more than 94% of HVE-certified farms have partnered with the AFC and the House of Rémy Martin.

851.9 M€ Revenue of the House of Rémy Martin

27.7% Current operating margin of the House of Rémy Martin