The Group has set up a system to anticipate and manage its risks. This system is constantly updated to take into account any regulatory, legislative, economic, societal, geopolitical and competition changes.
The main risk factors to which the Group is exposed given its business model are presented in this table (more details can be found in section 2 of this document).
Strategic risks | Strategic risks RISKSStrategic risks RISKSPrincipal contracts and customers | Strategic risks DESCRIPTIONStrategic risks DESCRIPTIONCapacity to manage a risk of strong dependence on a supplier or customer | Strategic risks MEASURES TAKENStrategic risks MEASURES TAKENThis risk is covered, as regards suppliers, by a diversification of the procurement sources and, as regards customers, a diversification of the distribution networks |
RISKS RISKS Changing tastes and consumer preferences | DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Change in consumer trends, for reasons such as taste, health and prices, which have a negative impact on the Group’s sales | MEASURES TAKEN MEASURES TAKEN Rémy Cointreau is seeking to diversify its brand portfolio and develop its product range in order to limit its exposure to a particular brand and price range | |
Brand and product-related risks | Brand and product-related risks RISKSBrand and product-related risks RISKSReputational risk | Brand and product-related risks DESCRIPTIONBrand and product-related risks DESCRIPTIONReputational risk is any event that could negatively impact on the image and reputation of the Group or its brands in any or all of its markets | Brand and product-related risks MEASURES TAKENBrand and product-related risks MEASURES TAKENTo address these risks and their consequences, the Group has expanded its digital marketing teams and set up an effective media monitoring strategy, enabling it to respond quickly and effectively to potential rumours |
Financial, legal and IT risks | Financial, legal and IT risks RISKSFinancial, legal and IT risks RISKSIT and digital risks | Financial, legal and IT risks DESCRIPTIONFinancial, legal and IT risks DESCRIPTIONIT risks consist of data loss (both commercial and financial), the inability to operate effectively due to a technical fault, system intrusion or hacking and attacks against the digital platforms of the Rémy Cointreau Group | Financial, legal and IT risks MEASURES TAKENFinancial, legal and IT risks MEASURES TAKENTo guard against these risks, a data protection and backup plan and business continuity plan have been implemented in each company, allowing the Group to continue operating in all circumstances |
RISKS RISKS Non-compliance risks and unethical conduct | DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION The Group’s business is international and therefore subject to many laws and regulations. These include various regulations regarding anti-corruption, data protection as well as principles set out in the Global Compact | MEASURES TAKEN MEASURES TAKEN In order to guarantee compliance, the Group has implemented relevant action plans to fight against corruption and protect data. A whistleblowing line has been set up, as well as ethics training modules, which have been followed by 84% of employees |