5. Corporate Social Responsibility


Preserving resources, maintaining terroirs and committing to the people who develop exceptional products means having the courage  to make exemplary decisions and minimise the environmental impact of each Group brand’s activities.

The Group has established indicators related to a mapping of the associated risks to better manage its actions, in particular regarding carbon emissions.

Minimising emissions

Controlling greenhouse gas emissions(GHG) is one of the priority ambitions of the Rémy Cointreau 2024 plan.

In 2019, the Group will continue its actions to reduce scope 3 CO2 emissions (activities of all production sites and the related upstream and downstream impacts). Scope 3 CO2 emissions are spread across Domaine des Hautes Glaces, and partially at the Islay and Westland sites. Moreover, Rémy Cointreau is sensitising and encouraging its partners and suppliers to demonstrate transparency and minimise their emissions.

The Group's carbon footprint is developing to embrace a particularly ambitious approach that ultimately targets carbon neutrality. This year, for the first time, CO2 emissions were divided down by main brands.

As a listed company, Rémy Cointreau meets the requirements of Article 173-IV-A of the French Act on Energy Transition and Green Growth. At the Group’s French sites, 100% of the energy used is renewable, mainly derived from hydraulic generation.

Reducing the ecological impact of its activities

Aware of the environmental impact of its activities, Rémy Cointreau is implementing actions to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions released upstream and downstream of the production process. The Group is especially sensitive to the waste generated during the various stages of the product’s life cycle, in particular during product transport. All over the world, transport specifications have been implemented to sensitise transporters to the Group’s commitments and set goals to reduce their carbon emissions. They include a requirement regarding their environmental impact and CO2 data. Rémy Cointreau requests that transporters provide a review of their CO2 data through monthly reporting.

Moreover, since 2011, the Group has been promoting the increasingly systematic use of videoconferencing facilities, and the use of electric vehicles at the Angers and Cognac sites have helped reduce carbon emissions.